Signups are open from this very moment on just send a PM with the subject "Tournament signup" to ApeMen with your Relic Online name, after heaving read through the following: Today we want to announce a very special event for all of you the second official Eastern Front tournament, brought to you by ApeMen! The jury consists of all Eastern Front developers and balancers.
Optional promotion to the "Mapper" position to be able to support the campaign development. His/her map being added to the official Ostheer map pool. The winner will receive following prices:
Closing date is the 28th February, 2013. Once you consider your map finished, upload it and link it in a PM to one of the Head Mappers ( Mystic-Car or MaxiKing6) who will then pass it on to the jury. Use a prefix () in the topic name to let the community identify your map as submitted to the contest. Feel free to create a topic in the Mapping Section. You may keep the community posted about progress on your map. Maps should only be created by single mappers! Group projects won't be taken into consideration. The scenario on which your map is based should be related to the Eastern Front of World War 2. Your map should offer an at least decent visual quality. Your map should have the aim to be a competitive map (2 players) with a size not below 256x256 and not above 384x384. Your map has to fulfill the Eastern Front mapping rules!. While creating your map, you have to stick to following rules: You still have the chance to become part of this very group - it's quite simple: Take part in the first official Eastern Front mapping contest! Excluded from participation are Eastern Front developers and mappers - due to the fact they are already part of the team. Stalingrad (8p) MaxiKing6 and MonolithicBacon Time has come to announce a further feature of the upcoming Ostheer faction its own map pool, filled with the work of many talented community mappers:
The future will bring new campaigns, new reward units, further game mechanics and an overall better experience, as well as the rugged Ostheer - a unique new Axis faction who will be designed from the ground up to counter the Soviets.
We are constantly working to improve Eastern Front our dedicated and experienced development team has worked on the mod for three years, and we don't intend to stop yet. Following the ethos of mimicking a Relic Entertainment expansion pack, Eastern Front has succeeded in adding a full Soviet faction packed with unique and exciting units to the existing armies - a feat never before achieved in the Company of Heroes world. Welcome to Company of Heroes: Eastern Front!Įastern Front is a free mod for Company of Heroes.